Mollie Williamson

Mollie Williamson


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Mollie Williamson attended Saint Mary’s College of California double majoring in Art History and Women’s Studies in 2013. She then received her master’s in Women’s Studies from the University of Alabama in 2014. Mollie currently lives in the Bay Area of California with her husband and their dog. She enjoys writing stories based on fairy tales and mythology. You can follow her on Instagram (@molliemint) and Twitter (@molliemint92).



When not writing, Mollie is most likely planning her next trip to Disneyland. Disney has been a huge part of Mollie’s life. The creativity and whimsy of not only the park but films greatly influenced her love of fairy tales. She took her love of fairy tales to another level by taking a course on them when she was in college. It was at that point that she discovered how complex the original tales are and wishes to take this complexity into account as she writes her own retellings.


“Back again! back again! look to the shoe!

the shoe is too small, and not made for you!

Prince! Prince! look again for thy bride,

for she’s not the true one that sits by thy side.”

/   Cinderella - The Grimm brothers  /


Looking ahead

Mollie is currently undergoing the process of writing multiple YA fantasy manuscripts as well as continuing to write shorter stories. She is also a fiction editor for Nightingale & Sparrow and is the Editor-in-Chief of Analogies & Allegories Literary Magazine.